Irsah in Designs
by Hidayat Yat
Quality and best practice Search Engine Optimisation SEO is somewhat so valueable in making sure your site success in search engines. As a small-medium business website owner or blog, before finalising your investment towards SEO and starting your search engine optimisation tutorials towrads your site, I will provide simple yet effective guides in making your efforts at ease.
Text and writing is the most valueable asset for SEO and the most favourite format for any search engines. Spiders are design to read text more prominately than any other formats in your web pages. Try to minimise too heavy graphical and dynamic contents on your web pages. Formats like Falsh players/graphics and javascripts are not really seen by web spiders. And remember, with less outsource call will lower down web caching hence boosting maximum speed for your web pages loading.
Remember, when writing and creating a content, stick with one topic for each page. This is due for you to concentrate on the richness of your articles hence providing more relevancy to your keywoords or keyword phrases. Normally, several topic in one page will confuse your readers, and it also reflects how spiders will crawl the page - confused.
Try to optimise using your strongest and prominent keywords or keyword phrases in the top most sentence or paragrapgh in your pages. This is when design writing for search engines happens. Craft your keywords in a way that spiders will try to make the relationship between your titile and the statring point of your content. Try not to over use the keyword or the keyword phrases as it will definitely be punished. Read it out load, and when it sounds natural enough, it should be OK.
While making your contents in different pages, 'make' a clear trail or links between one content page to the other. I normally use sitemaps or provide list of links on each of my pages. This is also a key point, especially when you have a new site and never been crawled by search engines spiders. And if you have inbound links through images, it could also be benifacary to your web pages with provided sitemap and links because as I explained, spiders can not see/read images.
I find that sitemaps or archiving is also a great way in routing these spiders all around your webpages through links. Although by providing sitemaps is actually a directional tool, where it is more convenient for robots than human, please do consider the web friendly basics for on line visitors.
There are certain cases that you really want search engine spiders to crawl certain pages. Normally you do not want your private documents/pages/information be indexed and exposed in search engines. Or maybe the selected pages is not relevant to your main website. Learn the basic curves of using the "robot.txt" files. These files are very important and the first document which these spiders goes through whilee entering your website documents. Instruct these spiders, by using the "robot.txt" files to desgard your private pages from being indexed.
It is essential to make your URL search engine friendly. Try to optimise by using two or three keywords which has the relevancy towards your contents. My simple rule of thumb is, use small capital letters for my URL and never use underscores and hyphens. Easy to remember URL will be my top priority.
Normally the next step when spiders crawl your page, it will look at your page title, page description etc. Page title is the key in making your web page ahead from the others. A good and structured page title will definitely convey to search engine spiders what is your page is all about. As usual, when composing these page titles, try to use two or three keywords with the titles which tells the topic your content. Like humas, these robots thinks that the first few words would be the key relevancy with your page topic, so make sure the strongest keyword is in the begining.
As you can seen in search engine results, your title is actually the most shown and if you count the letters, it approximately around 70 characters for a page. So be sure to write a page title within that rule in making your web pages title clearly cached by search engines. Do not forget, that each page title should be unique, although your pages share the similar topic.
If you have the budget in providing the nescessary actions to enhance your websites with on line SEO professionals, SEO courses/seminars/webinars/services, please do so. But set it clear to them, on the intial works that you have done to your site to make sure that, what you pay will not be a double worked effort. More resources means more leverage for your website, browse around and find out the many tools/course/seminars/webinars/services provided by these SEO experts, and it will really and definitely benefit your on line business.