Irsah in Designs
If you want to start and build a website with concrete5 content management system (CMS), you can start off in your personal computer just like web developers do. As you know, building websites takes time in figuring your basic structures, designs, contents and pages which will suit your business/personal needs.
With concrete5 abilities, managing your website contents will be a breeze, with various add-ons that could be downloaded and installed from concrete5 Marketplace. But the basic installation is already pre-installed for you by the concrete5 package for your server (if you’ve already have a domain/server) or even remotely on your personal computer.
If you want to get used to concrete5, and play around with its themes, files and folders, you have to run XAMPP or WAMPP server side sofwares, installed on your PC. These softwares can easily be downloaded with user friendly installations in mind. For us, we are currently using XAMPP installs on our PC to build sites, tests scripts and even build various concrete5 and blogger themes for our clients and friends.
You can download XAMPP server software here for 32bit Windows 7 and 64bit Windows 7. XAMPP developers also explains why you need to install this software to run your future website remotely on your PC.
In lay man terms, XAMPP is actually server side software build used to launch websites on-line. If you have an hosting account, they will provide the necessary scripts for you pre-installed. If you want to play around with scripts and content management systems just like concrete5, and getting to know the software curves, running on your PC would actually save you time before launching “live” on the internet.
1. You can download and install XAMPP or WAMPP server side software at the links provided. Use the easy install instructions, which is more than enough to kick start your concrete5 CMS and webpages.
2. Create your first database by typing in your browser url bar - localhost/myphpadmin (for XAMPP installs) for your concrete5 database. Name the database whatever suits you best, but make sure the name is easily remembered ie. C5 for concrete5 database or concrete. Save the database and the system will automatically generate the settings required. It is best that your PC server installation is located at your core drive eg. c:/ to get the ideal run for your website/CMS remotely.
3. Download concrete5 installation package here (version 17MB .zip file), and extract the folder in the folder required by your server–PC installation ie. C:/xampp/htdocs/your-concrete-file-extracted-here (example for XAMPP installs). Make sure the folder name is easily to remember too, use the same methods as step 2.
4. Open your favourite browser and type in the url bar - localhost/the-name-of-the-concrete-5-folder-you’ve-created. See, why we mean keep it simple! When you want to launch a site remotely, simple keywords will do the trick, better than typing each and every letters for your extracted concete5 folder name. When finished press enter and you will be directed to concrete5 custom install page to set up the proper connections with your previously created database.
5. You will be forwarded to a simple concrete5 installation page. Here, the most important actions you want to include is:-
Site Name – Enter a sample site name for your website build. You can easily change the site name after the installation is complete or whenever your require.
Administrator Information – Although this will not take affect for you to run your website off line, but certain mishaps might happen if somehow you've forgotten your log-in password with concrete5 content management system. Please enter your valid e-mail and a easy to remember password for you to log in.
Database Information – concrete5 will want to communicate with the previous database you’ve created. concrete5 will automatically help you build tables and information needed in keeping your website contents/information with the database. Fill this out:-
Server – localhost
MySQL name – root
MySQL Password – “Leave this empty unless you’ve created one during step 2”
Database Name – “Fill in the database name you’ve created previously on Step 2”
Sample Content - concrete5 developers prefer you select this! The system files is not that big of difference hence you will get the most of every installation and updates by them.
Click Install Concrete5 and you’ll see a screen shot as below.
If your installation is successful, and we know it will, you will be directed to the page below. Click on Go To Site and your off to the wonderful world of content management system powered by concrete5.
Again, you will be directed to your first page/s with concrete5 with pre installs Home page, Blog page and a blog post page. To change these settings and themes, you can click Dashboard (upper right hand corner) to go to your concrete5 Dashboard (aka control panel), where the “controller” of your CMS/website is located.
If you’re still on your web page, the top left corner is the button to Edit your site ”live”, which means you can insert various add on features to you web pages “live” on your screen. These add ons is called blocks, which you can easily arranged as you click the add blocks menu - in edit mode. While also in edit mode, you can also re-arrange the blocks by moving to your desired location with ease. That's something fun!
Dashboard is where concrete5 heart will live (either than folders where the core files live), and so is your future website builds! You can control your log-ins, permissions, change your themes, add more free and premium add ons (blocks) to enhance your website. Down below, there will be a System & Setting link to concrete5 main controllers. Here, you can change your website name, its permissions, setting up your website for SEO purposes and technically setting up attributes, which are events called to/from your website to your CMS/ database.
Well, we’re not going to touch on technical features yet, but information here is enough to start up and build you future website with concrete5, before going out live. You can play around with themes that could be downloaded and installed easily from concrete5 Marketplace. And don’t worry, as you help the developers in finding bugs and fixes, you’re website is also assigned and linked to concrete5 web build page you own too. You will be given a dedicated link for your website (if you’re on-line) and get help from the wonderful concrete5 developers, if you have any.
We hope you have a great journey in building a total content management system with concrete5 on your PC and transferring it live on the net in the future. Well, our site is also run by concerete5 and in the future we will release our own collection of themes upgraded from the original concrete5 theme package for your use. It’s our way in giving back to the hard working people at concrete5 and the wonderful concerete5 community.